The Thaliseen are a very long lived, bird like species. Who were once subjects to the Ortizian's. The Thaliseen were and are the
repairmen of the OE. There are currently Thaliseen living who remember the OE and were there at the collapse. They are the only
known species with the skills and knowledge to repair Ortizian equipment. They can replicate existing parts to fix OE Net nodes.
It seems that was their purpose within the OE. To keep the net running. They are unable to share this knowledge however. There are
some very deep very complicated locks both mentally and genetically that even now prevent the Thaliseen from sharing the secrets
of the nodes. They can teach other Thaliseen but not anyone who is not Thaliseen.

The end result is the Protectorate is now a considered about as close to No Man's fighting land as it can be. The Thaliseen are all
treated as ambassadors. Being both mostly immune to arrest and also able to call for help from any other faction. They hold themselves
neutral in all conflicts. They hold to their purpose of keeping the OE Net functioning.

Many have tried over time to gain the knowledge the Thaliseen have. But so far all have failed. If the Thaliseen were ever wiped out
the OE Net would follow inevitably. If one faction were to gain dominance of the Thaliseen they would control access to the Net.
Thus every other faction will defend the Protectorate from invasion.

The Thaliseen are not abusive of this however. They do not demand extreme prices for services nor do they seek an unfair advantage
in other forms of commerce (No more than any person would anyway). They are seemingly an overall peaceful race bred for one main function.
