The Tertian's are military minded. As expansionistic as the Concordant is defensive. Most of the conflicts started in
the last 1000 years have been started by the Tertian Kingdom. Every new High King or Queen feels the need to flex their
muscles and attempt to expand the boundaries of the Kingdom. Some have been successful. Over the last 500 years the Kingdom
has virtually doubled in size. Mostly by gobbling up Unaligned Worlds on the frontiers or expanding out into unclaimed space.
But they have claimed parts of the TEC as well. The Tertians tend to be somewhat xenophobic in that they do not want as much
contact with other factions as the rest of the quadrant. Foreign trade is highly regulated and licenses are easily revoked.
Bribery is high even for legitimate haulers. Smuggling anything into or out of the TK is always an adventure.