The Compact is the leading manufacturer of weapons in the quadrant. From personal weapons all the way to capital ship weapons.
It is said that the best comes from the Compact. That is not to say that other factions do not produce their own weapons,
they do. But also, all trade with the Compact for weaponry. You will find Compact weapons in every corner of the quadrant.
Need a solid gun that won't quit on you? People will tell you to buy Compact.

Government wise the Compact is ruled by the corporations who run the weapon manufacturing factilities.

The compacts last significant conflict was only ended 5 standard years ago with the Tertian Kingdom.

There was a loss of substantial systems causing the Compact to essentially be slip into two before they management to fight the
Tertians to a stalemate and eventual cessation of hostility. The end result of this war was the Compact was split in two and
has two Capital worlds
