These augments make the people of the OE often feared and misunderstood. Many of them seem to not age and have records going back centuries. However there
seem to be "locks" in place that do not allow these servants to talk about the implants even now. Some have even suicided rather than disclose information
about how the implants work. There are mysteries upon mysteries about the Ortizian Empire.
Just because however that other cultures have been unable to duplicate these augments doesn't mean they have not been able to use them. Rumors of super
soldiers abound, or those that can crack computer systems with ease as if by magic. The OEIs ( Ortizian Empire Implants) can be installed in any race.
The results are not always predictable.
In most of the current societies having an Ortizian Implant is either outright illegal, or highly regulated. Penalties for undisclosed augments can run
very high and/or harsh.
The OE collapsed 3000 years ago and the current delineations between factions began to arise sometime after. But as of yet no culture has endured as long
as the OE did. In the ensuing wars and chaos that followed the collapse of a galaxy spanning Empire most of the records have been lost. Or are locked into
OE systems that no one has been able to access.
The Empire left behind the OE Net. A Vast communication network that still functions and is still the backbone of extra system communication. Anyone who can
crack how this Net functions would have information that every other faction would kill for.