over time this grew to be a bit to large so these system formed a Republic. There is one elected Leader, with a Large Senate underneath that,
followed by each system most often also having a system leader and an elected body for that System, all the way down to world, and sometimes
even single cities.
This makes the government slow to act or react but once it starts also just as slow to stop at times.
Policing is mostly done at a local level making the Republic sometimes difficult to navigate thru as often what may be legal in one system
could be illegal or controlled in another system.
Economically the Republic does brisk trade and other commerce with the other factions. The Republic has some of the top of the line shipyards
across the quadrant. Producing everything from High End military capital ships down to puddle jump in system only vessels. You will find Republic
made ships in virtually every factions military force.
The Republic government is located on Tibos in the Charybdis Major System. This system is also home to a prime shipyard and drydocking
facility around the planet Phisaria.